Disability Law Colorado was contacted by a person with a disability who wished to have his companion animal live with him.
The landlord told him that he must provide documentation from his doctor or he would need to pay “pet rent.” The client contacted his doctor, submitted a request for a reasonable accommodation to his landlord, and the companion animal stayed with his mother while he awaited word from management.
When the client had waited two weeks with no response from his landlord, an advocate from Disability Law Colorado contacted the management office and asked them if they had received the paperwork. They affirmed receipt, and mentioned they were awaiting a response from their compliance person.
The following day, the management office called us with a requirement that our client get his companion animal spayed before he could return to the building.
Due to the young age of the animal (less than six months), our team – for the Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness - advocated for a reasonable accommodation to have the animal spayed when he was old enough. The management office agreed and the companion animal was returned to live with our client.